Monday, September 05, 2005


I finally broke down today.

I was being chased by so many people for stuff today and everything seemed to be urgent and important. My boss kept thinking that I have more room for stuff and kept pushing things for me to do. I was so stuffed with work and deadlines that I forgotten to bill something and he was rather unhappy with me. The fact that I was very harshly scolded by a customer for an hour cos his shipment was delayed in clearance made matters worse.

At that moment, with all the papers on my table, the incessant ringings of my phone and my mobile at the same time, the constant flow of emails that were all urgent, it would seem that everyone is always constantly asking me for stuff, taking so much from me and yet does not allow me to have enough time to digest the necessary information at all.

So at that point in time, I broke down.

Perhaps its cos I was thinking too much last night or perhaps its just my work, whatever the case, everything was just too much for me to handle. I am only human, I only have two hands and a brain. Why is everyone always taking from me? I have given so much and yet people are still taking from me. I really have nothing to give anymore.

I am so goddamn tired of these all.


DK said...

Relax. Cool down ok?

Just think of those things that make you happy.

Cheer up.

Anonymous said...

Off ur handphone... Then pple can only call ur desk phone...

Actually, it is part of life, must learn to handle stress...

Well i used to tell pple,

Stress = Force / Area

So eat more chocolate and chips to increase surface area, then when the force is constant, the stress would naturally go down...

Oh i type too much crap liao... Relax... Customers scold u, go in one ear come out the other lor. When my supervisor scold me, act blur and laugh heee... then he oso dunno whether to scold or notz...

rijac said...

breaking down in tears because of the pressure of work (or any other kind of pressure), is a sobering experience. when it happened to me i realized that i was only human, and every human has a breaking point. treat this as a key lesson of life and feel proud that you soaked up as much pressure as you did, before getting to breaking point. and tomorrow you will wake up a stronger person.

Anonymous said...

Hey Iris, take it easy! At the rate you're going, it'd be a surprise for you not to break down. At the end of the day, there's always a limit to what you can do.. and you've gotta run the race in life as a marathon rather than a 100m dash! I'd suggest you take a short break, size up your thots and recuperate... and start afresh. Your absence wld also force your colleague and boss not to take you for granted! Cheer up!

iRis said...

Thanks guys.. !


Anonymous said...

Keep a sponge and a big bottle of water on your desk. When your boss comes up to you next time with plenty of work to do and a similar situation like this happen hor.. Tell your boss to look at what you're gonna do... Then hor.. Pour the bottle of water onto the sponge and tell him.. "Here is a sponge and that's what I am... This is a bottle of water and it represent my workload... This is how much water the sponge can absorb.." When the sponge cannot absorb anymore water hor, pass the bottle to your boss, and tell him to absorb the rest of the water! Next time hor.. When your boss see a sponge and bottle of water on your bdesk hor.. He sure think twice wan... Hahahahahahaha....

Ok.. I'm being bo liao... Hahahahaha... :P

putitthisway said...

take it easy are just human.....not superwoman, ok????

iRis said...

Hey Philip! I like your avatar!!
