Saturday, February 03, 2007

What is wrong with me?

I feel empty.

Its been a while since I have been getting this feeling. Its like I have been feeling this way ever since I started in the working world.

For a while, the emptiness was stalled, it went right to where it came from, wherever that was. I was distracted by someone and it made my life more bearable.

But then the emptiness is back, it seem to be back with a vengeance actually. I feel dull, dead and emotionless. There is basically nothing there. Nothing gets me happy, nothing gets me excited. The world is like a grey dimension, with no colors. I do not find any meanings in what I do, I do not feel excited by anything, don feel sad or unhappy even. I just feel a throbbing dull ache, an ache for something to happen in my life. I lost my drive to do anything, not even to work. Sometimes I even feel like letting go, let go of whatever I control and to drift away.

What is wrong with me?


Anonymous said...

U need to find a bf to add colours to your life. =)

Anonymous said...

"U need to find a bf to add colours to your life. =)"

This is like the worst advice ever. Grow up!